Fig. 7. Drive current and saturation velocity.
Median of drive current (ION) as a function of 1/LCH for a MoS2 and b WS2 FETs at VDS of 1 V corresponding to the linear region of the FETs, and c MoS2 and d WS2 FETs at VDS of 5 V corresponding to the saturation region of the FETs. These are extracted at carrier concentrations (nS) of 1 × 1013 cm−2 and 4.4 × 1012 cm−2 for MoS2 and WS2, respectively. The saturation current (IDS,SAT) for e MoS2 and f WS2, extracted from their corresponding shorter-channel devices (LCH < 1 μm) as a function of nS. The slope indicates the saturation velocity (vSAT). The distribution of vSAT for g MoS2 and h WS2 shorter-channel FETs.