Fig. 2. Environmental parameters.
a Monthly averages of the multivariate ENSO index (MEI v2) and southern annular mode (SAM), b average monthly air temperature, c daily sea ice presence, d monthly averaged modelled glacial discharge, e wind speed and direction during the months of the in situ incubations, with contours indicating the percentage of time the wind had a particular direction, f average sea surface temperature (0–1 m water depth) of inner Potter Cove (filled dots), and average bottom water temperature measured during benthic chamber incubations at each site (open triangles), g average salinity, h SPM, and i chl-a in the surface waters (0–1 m water depth) of inner Potter Cove from 2014 to 2017. In panels a–d and f–i, grey ribbons represent standard deviation; vertical dashed lines indicate the dates of the in situ incubations in summer 2015 (orange), winter 2015 (blue), spring 2015 (green) and spring 2016 (grey); grey zones indicate the astronomical austral winter; limited data coverage of sea surface temperature and salinity in autumn and winter 2015 and 2016 is shown as disconnected data points. Source data can be found in Supplementary Dataset 1.