Fig. 2. Oxford Nanopore coverage of Lady Alice Island mt-genomes (M1 and M2).
Mapped Oxford Nanopore reads to the Illumina assembly of mt-genomes. Blue graphs represent mapping coverage. Gene annotations are shown below the coverage map (some gene names are truncated with the same gene order reported herein). A Molecule 1, with 100% of reference covered, averaging 2504.5 bp in length (std dev = 2409.2; min = 514; max = 16,978) with an average depth coverage of 16.9 (std dev = 3.4; min = 11; max = 25). The uppermost read covers the entire molecule. B Molecule 2, with 95.8% of reference covered, averaging 1990.2 bp in length (std dev = 1757.6; min = 551; max = 7026) with an average depth coverage of 3.7 (std dev = 3.4; min = 11; max = 25). Light gray arrows on the ends indicate reads that wrap around the molecules. See Supplementary Data 1 for a fasta file of LAI M1 Oxford Nanopore reads and Supplementary Data 2 for a fasta file of LAI M2 Oxford Nanopore reads, each a filtered product and mapped here.