Fig. 2. Characterization of the FCLCs.
a Photoluminescence (PL) spectra of DC5 in THF and THF/water mixtures (c = 10−4 M). The excitation wavelength is 388 nm. b A Plot of the emission intensity at 480 nm versus water fractions (fw) for DC5 in THF and THF/water mixtures. The inset photograph shows DC5 in THF and THF/water mixtures (fw increases from 0 to 90 vol%) upon UV irradiation. c PL spectra of FCLC mixtures containing 6, 5, 4, 3 wt% chiral dopants in THF (c = 0.5 M) and chiral dopant in THF (c = 10−4 M). d CIE chromaticity coordinates of different FCLC mixtures containing 6, 5, 4, 3 wt% chiral dopants in THF (c = 0.5 M), which are (0.159, 0.251), (0.159, 0.252), (0.159, 0.254), and (0.159, 0.254), respectively. e Reflectance spectra of the FCLC mixtures containing 6, 5, 4, 3 wt% chiral dopants in 5 μm thick antiparallel aligned cells. f Photographs of the FCLC mixtures containing 6, 5, 4, 3 wt% chiral dopants in 5 μm thick antiparallel aligned cells to show blue, green, red, transparent (infrared) reflection colors and cyan fluorescent color. R, reflection color under white light; F, fluorescent color upon UV irradiation.