Fig. 1.
Significant upregulation of APCDD1L-AS1 in icotinib-resistant LUAD cells. a The icotinib sensitivity in icotinib-resistant LUAD cells and their parental cells treated with different concentrations of icotinib for 96 h was determined by MTT assay. PC9/IcoRL: PC9 low-dose icotinib-resistant cells; PC9/IcoRH: PC9 high-dose icotinib-resistant cells; HCC827/IcoRL: HCC827 low-dose icotinib-resistant cells; HCC827/IcoRH: HCC827 high-dose icotinib-resistant cells. b The cell viability of both the parental cells and their icotinib-resistant cells after treated with icotinib (10 μM) for 24, 48, 72 and 96 h was detected by MTT assay. c The colony formation ability of the parental cells and their icotinib-resistant cells under different concentrations of icotinib was analyzed using colony formation assay. d The subcutaneous tumor mouse models of icotinib-resistant cells and their parental cells were treated with or without icotinib. Average tumor volume for each group was measured (n = 3). e The level of EGFR expression and phosphorylation in the parental cells and their icotinib-resistant cells was evaluated by western blot. f Four upregulated lncRNAs identified by volcano plots in PC9/IcoRL cells and PC9/IcoRH cells comparing with PC9 cells. g The list of top four upregulated lncRNAs in PC9/IcoRL cells and PC9/IcoRH cells comparing with PC9 cells by transcriptome sequencing. h The expression level of lncRNAs, APCDD1L-AS1, PAX8-AS1, GAS5 and lnc-GSDMD, was determined in the parental cells and their icotinib-resistant cells by qRT-PCR. The mean ± SD of triplicate experiments were plotted, *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001, n.s., not statistically significant