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. 2021 Jan 30;5:3. doi: 10.18332/ejm/131864

Table 3.

Practices regarding masks and general preventive measures during the pandemic among maternity providers, Pakistan 2020 (N=452)

Practices Total Midwives Doctors p
Good a Good Good
n % n % n %
I inspect each item before use to be sure it is in good condition with no degradation, tears or wear that could affect performance. 356 (78.8) 120 (69.8) 236 (84.3) 0.001**
When providing direct care to COVID-19 patients, in the absence of aerosol generating procedures, I use a medical mask, gown, gloves, eye protection (goggles or face shield) and perform hand hygiene. 448 (99.1) 172 (100) 276 (98.6) 0.115
When providing direct care to COVID-19 patients in settings where aerosol generating procedures are frequently in place, I use a respirator, gown, gloves, eye protection (goggles or face shield), apron and perform hand hygiene. 372 (82.3) 144 (83.7) 228 (81.4) 0.535
In preliminary screening not involving direct contact I maintain 1 m distance, when physical distance is not feasible, I use a mask and eye protection. 380 (84.1) 136 (79.1) 244 (87.1) 0.023*
During physical examination of patients without symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, I use PPE according to standard precautions and risk assessment and perform hand hygiene. 400 (88.5) 152 (88.4) 248 (88.6) 0.949
During physical examination of a patient with symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, I use a medical mask, gown, gloves, eye protection (goggles or face shield) and perform hand hygiene. 384 (85.0) 144 (83.7) 240 (85.7) 0.565
During first screening (temperature measurement) not involving direct contact, I maintain 1 m distance, when physical distance is not feasible and yet no patient contact, I use a mask and eye protection. 308 (68.1) 116 (67.4) 192 (68.6) 0.802
During second screening (i.e. interviewing patients with fever for clinical symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 disease and travel history), I maintain physical distance of at least 1m, wear a medical mask, gloves and perform hand hygiene. 312 (69.0) 116 (67.4) 196 (70.0) 0.568
If mask/respirator becomes difficult to breathe through or all other PPE (mask/respirator /gown /face shield /goggles) becomes wet, soiled, damaged, or exposed to splash of chemicals, infectious substances, or body fluids, I remove it. 404 (89.4) 136 (79.1) 268 (95.7) 0.001**
If displaced from the face for any reason or if the front of the respirator/mask is touched to adjust it, I follow the safe procedure for removal and do not touch the front of the respirator/mask. 396 (87.6) 132 (76.7) 264 (94.3) 0.001**
I perform hand hygiene frequently, using an alcohol-based hand-rub if hands are not visibly dirty or soap and water. 420 (92.9) 156 (90.7) 264 (94.3) 0.149
I use respiratory hygiene, i.e. cover my nose and mouth with a bent elbow or paper tissue when coughing or sneezing, dispose of the tissue immediately after use, and perform hand hygiene. 404 (89.4) 152 (88.4) 252 (90.0) 0.585
I refrain from touching my mouth, nose and eyes. 380 (84.1) 144 (83.7) 236 (84.3) 0.873

Good = always and mostly.





Chi-squared test.