Fig. 2.
Survival curve by Kaplan-Meier of CM and WM
The x-coordinate is the interval time from the diagnosed date to nucleic acid negative conversion date, and the y-coordinate is non-nucleic acid negative transformation rate (1-nucleic acid negative transformation rate) at different follow-up time point. Red line is CM group and blue line is WM group. On average, the hazard ratio of nucleic acid negative transformation after diagnosis is more than 2 in CM group compared to WM group in the survival curve. Furthermore, according to the number of patients at baseline and nucleic acid negative transformation at different follow-up time points to estimate the number of theoretical nucleic acid negative transformation. The ratio of nucleic acid negative transformation is significantly higher than that of WM by log-rank test (P = 0.0026, <0.01). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)