Parameter description
Readiness |
State of being prepared to manage HTN and diabetes cases. |
HFs, technological readiness domains
Basic equipment |
Observed functional sphygmomanometer, stethoscope, weighing scale, glucometer, and glucometer stripes available in the service area or clinic. |
Essential medicine |
Observed valid medicine listed for use at HCIII level to manage HTN and diabetes available in the service area or clinic (HTN: Bendroflumethiazide, nifedipine, and methyldopa; Diabetes: metformin and glibenclamide). |
Diagnostic |
Observed the ability to conduct on-site tests for blood sugar, urine (protein and ketones) in the service area or clinic. |
HFs, clinical readiness domains
Guideline |
Observed diagnosis and treatment guidelines for HTN and diabetes available in the service area or clinic. |
Job aid |
Observed Information, Education and Communication (IEC) materials on HTN and diabetes displayed in the clinic. |
Trained staff |
Facility has at least one HCW trained on HTN and diabetes management in the last 2 years. |
Supervision |
Facility received at least one supervision visit from the higher level (health management team) in the last 3 months. |
HCWs, readiness domains
Knowledge |
HCW scored ≥8/10 when assessed using case scenarios/questions on HTN and diabetes management. |
Experience |
HCW self-reported managing at least ≥5 cases each of HTN and diabetes in the last three months. |
Confidence |
HCW self-reported being confident in managing HTN and diabetes. |
Training |
HCW self-reported receiving an in-service training on HTN and diabetes management in the last two years. |
Supervision |
HCW self-reported receiving supervision on NCDs' (HTN and diabetes) management in the last three months. |