Fig. 3.
Functional connections with deep brain stimulation (DBS) sites that are correlated with clinical improvement. Top: DBS electrode locations targeting the subthalamic nucleus (STN) in patient’s with Parkinson’s disease (left), the ventral intermediate nucleus of the thalamus (VIM) in patients with essential tremor (middle), and the anterior limb of the internal capsule (ALIC) in patients with OCD (right). Bottom: brain regions whose functional connectivity to DBS sitesis correlated with clinical improvement. Positive correlations are shown in warm colors and negative correlations are shown in cool colors. DBS data are from previous studies (Al-Fatly et al., 2019; Baldermann et al., 2019b; Horn et al.,2017) and electrodes are displayed with axial slices from the 100um 7T postmortem MRI template (Edlow et al., 2019). Ca: Caudate nucleus, Pu: Putamen, NAcc: Nucleus Accumbens, vPall: ventral Pallidum.