Fig. 2.
Overview of TMS simulations A) The grid of simulated TMS coil positions shown on the 3D head model’s skin surface. Simulations were performed with a 4 mm distance between the skin and the coil center. B) Simulation grids were individually centered on the lesion. Orange spheres indicate positions directly over the lesion; green spheres indicate positions not over the lesion. C) The center of the coil (black dot) corresponds to the spheres shown in A) and B). The TMS coils are oriented 45° to the midsagittal plane. D) Example TMS coil location and orientation for one TMS simulation. E) Resulting TMS induced electric field strength shown in the GM surface for the coil position in D). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)