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. 2021 Jan 20;48:100914. doi: 10.1016/j.dcn.2021.100914

Table 4.

Brain regions of positively or negatively associated with child-reported attachment security scores (ASS) in striatal network.

Cluster Nvoxels Cluster p-value Brain regions L/R BA MNI coordinates
x y z
Negatively associated with the ASS in the caudate network
1 1418 0.00149 Superior frontal gyrus L −20 8 72 3.54
R 18 32 42 3.49
Supplementary motor area L 6 −18 8 64 3.39
L −12 20 66 3.38
0 24 48 3.33
Superior frontal gyrus L 8 −12 28 48 3.30
Positively associated with the ASS in the putamen network
1 2336 1.6e-05 Middle occipital gyrus R 39 40 −82 36 4.27
Superior occipital gyrus L 19 −24 −90 34 4.15
Cuneus L 19 −4 −90 32 4.11
−10 −90 30 4.01
Superior occipital gyrus R 7 32 −84 40 4.00
Cuneus R 19 14 −88 36 3.82

PFWE < .05.