Human electro-mechanical model calibration and comparison with experimental data. Comparisons between the AP (A), CaT (B), and active tension (C) of the calibrated models and human experimental data (A: Britton et al., 2017b; B: Coppini et al., 2013; C: Mulieri et al., 1992; Pieske et al., 1996; Rossman et al., 2004). ToR-ORd+Land model in blue and ORd+Land model in green. Calibrated models have AP, CaT, and active tension biomarkers that are within experimental ranges. Panel B also shows the CaT used to drive contraction in the original Land model (yellow). Calibration does not affect the AP or CaT (A-B). Panel C shows how the simulated active tensions better replicate experimental data after calibration.