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. 2021 Jan 21;26(3):2002047. doi: 10.2807/1560-7917.ES.2021.26.3.2002047

Table 1. Dataa on attitudes and opinions of healthcare workersb towards future COVID-19 vaccines, in Belgium (Wallonia and Brussels), France (whole country) and Canada (Quebec), October–November 2020 (n = 2,678).

Survey data COUNTRY
Area considered
Number of participants (% of total)
p valued Total
2,678 (100%) 
Whole country
1,209c (45%)
Wallonia and Brussels
414c (16%)
1,055c (39%)
Numberc %e Numberc %e Numberc %e Numberf %f
Age in years
18 to 39 147 12.16 83 19.98 507 48.05 <0.001 920 34.37
40 to 59 620 51.27 128 31.05 482 45.68 1,250 46.67
≥ 60 442 36.57 203 48.97 66 6.27 508 18.96
Male 736 60.87 237 57.28 121 11.50 <0.001 823 30.75
Female 473 39.13 177 42.72 934 88.50 1,855 69.25
If a vaccine against COVID-19 were available, would you be willing to recommend it to your patients?
Yes, certainly 607 50.19 169 40.73 480 45.48 <0.001 1,253 46.77
Yes, probably 352 29.08 167 40.46 360 34.14 879 32.83
No, probably not 63 5.24 5 1.17 20 1.92 80 2.98
No, certainly not 12 0.97 4 0.95 13 1.23 30 1.13
Do not know 175 14.51 69 16.69 182 17.22 436 16.29
If a vaccine against COVID-19 were available, would you be willing to be vaccinated yourself?
Yes, certainly 562 46.53 164 39.50 452 42.85 0.11 1,175 43.88
Yes, probably 348 28.83 151 36.53 291 27.56 764 28.52
No, probably not 74 6.09 29 7.01 69 6.55 172 6.43
No, certainly not 60 4.93 10 2.36 56 5.28 134 4.99
Do not know 165 13.62 60 14.60 187 17.75 433 16.18
COVID-19 vaccine acceptance
High 612 50.59 177 42.80 507 48.07 0.0036 1,302 48.60
Moderate 295 24.39 138 33.23 224 21.24 616 23.02
Hesitancy/reluctance 302 25.02 99 23.97 324 30.69 760 28.39
Were you vaccinated against seasonal influenza for the winter 2019/20 season?
Yes 1,031 85.30 347 83.86 636 60.27 <0.001 1,876 70.06
No/do not know 178 14.70 67 16.14 419 39.73 802 29.94
Do you sometimes hesitate to recommend some vaccines on the official schedule for your patients, for example, when you have questions about their benefits or risks?
For adults (≥ 18 years old) with a chronic disease
Never 893 73.84 318 76.83 505 47.86 <0.001 1,561 58.28
Sometimes/often/always/do not know 316 26.16 95 22.98 333 31.54 783 29.23
Does not apply to my practice 0 0.00 1 0.19 217 20.60 334 12.49
Among adults aged ≥ 65 years old
Never 892 73.82 297 71.66 470 44.56 <0.001 1,499 55.97
Sometimes/often/always/do not know 317 26.18 116 27.95 375 35.53 856 31.95
Does not apply to my practice 0 0.00 1 0.39 210 19.91 323 12.08
The safety of a vaccine developed in an emergency, during an epidemic, cannot be considered guaranteed
Agreeh 546 45.15 150 36.30 411 38.97 0.0018 1,095 40.88
Disagreeh 513 42.45 198 47.78 444 42.09 1,139 42.55
Do not know 150 12.39 66 15.92 200 18.94 444 16.57
In your opinion, for the population as a whole, how serious is COVID-19 on a scale of 0 to 10?i
Low (scale: 0–4) 332 27.46 NA NA NA NA NA 332 27.46
Moderate/do not know (scale: 5–6) 376 31.08 NA NA NA NA 376 31.08
High (scale: 7–10) 501 41.46 NA NA NA NA 501 41.46
It is preferable to acquire immunity against infectious diseases naturally (by having the disease) than by vaccination
Agreeh/do not know 99 8.22 31 7.45 134 12.67 0.0062 291 10.87
Disagreeh 1,110 91.78 383 92.55 921 87.33 2,387 89.13
I trust science to develop safe effective new vaccines
Agreeh 1,156 95.59 390 94.32 971 92.00 0.0057 2,500 93.34
Disagreeh/do not know 53 4.41 24 5.68 84 8.00 178 6.66
I trust the ministry of health to ensure that vaccines are safe
Agreeh 918 75.90 294 70.93 918 87.04 <0.001 2,205 82.35
Disagreeh 218 18.07 96 23.28 74 6.98 313 11.67
Do not know 73 6.03 24 5.79 63 5.98 160 5.98

COVID-19: coronavirus disease; GP: general practioner; NA: not applicable.

a Data are weighted, unless otherwise specified.

b In France (whole country) and Belgium (Brussels and Wallonia) GPs took part in the survey. In Canada (Quebec) nurses took part.

c Unweighted figures.

d The differences between the three country samples is assessed using a chi-squared test (with Rao–Scott correction).

e Weighted percentages (for each country, the percentages were weighted according to age, gender and region).

f Weighted for the whole sample (including the three countries).

g Gender was considered in the study, rather than sex, to capture socio-cognitive factors associated with healthcare workers’ attitudes and practices.

h Strongly or somewhat.

i Question asked to participants in France only.

The bold font indicates statistical significance at the p<0.05 level.