Validation that the human GAPDH primers are efficient human-specific primers
(A and B) The qPCR amplification curves (A) and melt curves (B) generated by the human and nonspecific mouse GAPDH primers using a 2-fold serially diluted cDNA template from RNA extracted from MDA-MB-231 cells and naive NOD/SCID mouse lung. MT, melting temperature in Celsius at the peak. (C) Standard curves were generated using the qPCR amplification from (A), and the starting quantities of the 2-fold diluted cDNA are arbitrary, with the most concentrated samples set at the default setting of 1,000,000. E, efficiency; R2, the square of the correlation (the coefficient of determination). (D) Three different concentrated MDA-MB-231 and naive NOD/SCID mouse lung RNA samples were analyzed via qRT-PCR with the human and nonspecific mouse GAPDH primers.