图 4.
锁骨上及纵隔淋巴结增大,经低剂量放疗后肿瘤无明显变化。A:双侧锁骨上淋巴结增大;B:纵隔淋巴结增大;C、D:经低剂量6 Gy/3 F放疗后肿瘤无明显变化;E:锁骨上及纵隔转移灶放疗靶区图(矢状位)。
Metastasis at the supraclavicular and mediastinal lymph nodes, and no significant change after low dose radiotherapy. A: Metastasis at the bilateral supraclavicular lymph nodes; B: Metastasis at the mediastinal lymph nodes; C, D: Tumor have no significant change after low dose radiotherapy with 6 Gy/3 F; E: Target volume of the supraclavicular and mediastinal lymph nodes (sagittal).