Characterization of sorafenib-eluting embolic microspheres (SOR-EMs). A, Transmission electron microscopy image of iron oxide nanoparticles (scale bar, 100 nm). B, Optical microscopy image of SOR-EMs (scale bar, 25 μm); color was converted to gray. C, Graph shows the size distribution of SOR-EMs. D, Graph shows cumulative measurements of in vitro drug release from SOR-EMs in phosphate-buffered saline (150 mM [150 mmol/L]; pH, 7.4) at 37°C in the three TACE groups. E, R2-mapping MR image of 1% agar phantoms shows increasing concentrations (in milligrams per milliliter) of SOR-EMs at 7-T MRI. DW = distilled water.