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. 2021 Jan 30;6(8):2467–2478. doi: 10.1016/j.bioactmat.2021.01.015

Table 2.

ADMSCs-based biomaterial scaffolds for oral and maxillofacial tissue regeneration.

Study, Year Cell Source and Type Biomaterial Scaffold Donor and Host Animal Site of Injury Regeneration Advantage Conferred Over Vehicle
Tobita et al., 2008 ASCs isolated from Wistar rats platelet-rich plasma (PRP) 48 10-week-old inbred male Wistar rats in two groups: controls and PRP groups Periodontal tissue defects were created with a 1◊1◊1 mm defect, respectively. PRP gels containing stem cells such as ASCs could be useful clinically for periodontal tissue regeneration.
Tobita et al., 2013 ASCs isolated from inguinal fat pads of beagle dogs platelet-rich plasma (PRP) 9 or 10 months old beagle dogs (mean weight 8–10 kg) (n = 8) in three groups: ASC/PRP gel or PRP gel alone was implanted into the periodontal tissue defect in each dog bilaterally. Non-implantation sites were also prepared. Class III periodontal tissue defects, in which the tissue defect penetrates to the root bifurcation of the tooth, were generated in eight dogs. The advantages of PRP are as follows: (i) a simple procedure for gelation of PRP is available, (ii) various growth factors are present in PRP, (iii) PRP adheres strongly to the dental root and (iv) PRP is an autologous product, which eliminates concerns regarding immunogenic reactions and disease transmission.
Wu et al., 2016 Human ADSCs were isolated from infrapatellar fat pad Amniotic membrane (AM) Male Sprague-Dawley rats (body weight 80–100 g) were divided into four groups, including control, ADSCs, AM, and ADSCs and AM coculture system groups. Extract the right maxillary first molar (M1) and fill with newly formed bone 3 weeks after M1 extraction in terms of creating a two-wall intrabony defect (2.6 ◊2.0◊2.0 mm) AM was used to reconstruct ocular surfaces or cover the wounds clinically. The strong elastic properties make it an ideal scaffold for surgical repair of a bone defect and tissue engineering.
Requicha et al., 2014 ASCs were isolated from subcutaneous abdominal tissue of adult healthy dogs The double-layer scaffolds were prepared from a blend of starch and poly (Ɛ-caprolactone) (SPCL). Four groups: APCL membranes with non-patterned (SPCL-NP) or patterned (SPCL-P). SPCL wet-spun fiber mesh used non-functionalized with silanol groups (SPCL-WS) or functionalized with silanol groups (SPCL-WS-Si) / The wet-spun fiber mesh layer functionalized with silanol groups stimulated the osteogenic differentiation of ASCs, while the membrane layers enabled a good cell attachment and proliferation.
Sun et al., 2011 autologous transdifferentiated ADSCs from visceral fat in rats Decellularized artery allograft 60 young female Sprague-Dawley rats (weighing 100–120 g) randomly divided into 6 groups: artery conduit, artery + ADSCs, artery + dADSCs, artery + SCs, nerve autografting, sham operation under a surgical microscope the shaved facial skin was opened with a preauricular incision on the left side to expose the buccal branch of the facial nerve This method achieved satisfactory regenerative outcomes approaching those achieved with SC-seeded artery conduits at week 8
Ghoreishian et al., 2012 undifferentiated MSCs extracted from autogenous adipose tissues from mongrel dogs Gore-Tex tube 7 mongrel dogs subjected to nerve bilateral transaction; in 4 animals the left nerve was repaired using ADSCs; in 3, stem cells were used on the right side hair over zygomatic arches and preauricular area of the 2 sides was shaved; after prepping and draping, an incision 4 cm long was made over the midportion of the arch; the frontal branch of facial nerve was transected; gap size 7 mm Addition of stem cells in GoreTex tube enhanced neural repair from a functional standpoint; for better functional and histologic results, differentiated SCs and other mediators may be warranted.
Watanabe et al., 2014 ASCs were isolated from Lewis rats and were cultured into uASCs and dASCs. A silicone tube with a type I collagen scaffold Male syngeneic Lewis rats aged 8 weeks were divided into five groups: Undifferentiated ASCs (n = 16), dASCs (n = 16), SCs (n = 16) and collagen gel alone as a negative control (n = 16) were transplanted into the gap in the buccal branch of the left facial nerve. Autologous nerve graft transplantation (n = 13) was used
as a positive control. A preauricular incision with a marginal mandibular extension was then made in the left side of the face. The buccal and marginal mandibular branches and parotid gland were exposed, and a gap of 7 mm was made in the buccal branch of the facial nerve under a microscope ASCs have a therapeutic effect on axonal regeneration and could be used as an alternative and more abundant source than autologous SCs as a guidance conduit for bridging nerve gaps.
Han et al., 2015 ASCs were isolated from male Wistar rats Decellularized adipose tissue (DAT) bioscaffold In each rat, one seeded and one unseeded DAT scaffold was carefully inserted and the incisions were closed with surgical staples. (n = 20) Small incisions (~1 cm) were made on the back of each rat and two separate subcutaneous pockets were created below the panniculus carnosus using blunt ended forceps. Adipose-derived ECM bioscaffolds provide an interesting model system for probing cellular interactions in the context of adipose tissue regeneration that may help to contribute new insight into the mechanisms of adipogenesis that could have broader implications in the fields of obesity and diabetes research.
Venugopal et al., 2017 ASC's were isolated from the subcutaneous fat pad of male Sprague Dawley rats bovine type I collagen sponge Sprague Dawley rats (n = 6) of weight 190–210 g for a period of 21 days Two separate small skin incisions on the dorsal side were making in each rat. bovine type I collagen provides its physiochemical properties and cyto-compatibility
Mauney et al., 2007 hMSCs and hASCs were obtained from male donors ≤25 years of age. Aqueous (AB) and 1,1,1,3,3,3-hexafluoro-2-propanol (HFIP)- based silk fibroin 3-D scaffolds Athymic nude male rats (RH-rnu, 300 g each) for a period of 4 weeks Scaffolds were individually implanted into bilateral muscle pouches within the rectus abdominus muscles of athymic nude male rats (RH-rnu, 300 g each) and maintained there for 4 weeks. Nonseeded scaffolds served as negative controls and were treated similarly. The slow degradation and mechanical integrity of silk scaffolds in comparison with other conventional biomaterials such as collagen and PLA, especially for long-term in vivo studies, suggest that silk fibroin-based scaffolds would be an efficient biomaterial for long-term adipose tissue growth and function.
Lin et al., 2008 hAD-MSCs were isolated from abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue excised from the transverse rectus abdominis myocutaneous flap for breast reconstruction The scaffold was made of gelatin sponges, polyglycolic acid meshes, and polypropylene mesh. Female immunedeficient mice (4 weeks of age). Group I (n = 2) was injected with MSCs only, Group II (n = 2) was implanted with scaffolds only, and Group III (n = 8) was implanted with scaffold-MSCs treated in adipogenic medium for 2 weeks. Scaffolds were implanted individually into the subcutaneous pockets in the backs of female immune-deficient mice. All of the successfully harvested scaffolds were filled with newly formed adipose tissue and had retained their predefined shape and dimensions.
Probst et al., 2020 ASCs were isolated from pigs TCP-PLGA scaffolds Sixteen skeletally mature miniature pigs were divided into two groups: Control group and scaffolds seeded with osteogenic differentiated pADSCs (n = 8/group) mandibular critical size defects Tri-calcium phosphate (TCP) bioceramics are quite distinct for hard tissue regeneration due to their biocompatibility, degradation and new bone formation.
Mesim et al., 2009 autologous ASCs microvascular flap, beta-tricalcium phosphate and bone morphogenetic protein-2 The patient underwent a hemimaxillectomy maxilla The homing capacity of the ASCs and the osteoconductivity of the betaTCP act synergistically towards producing a well-ossified construct
Kang et al., 2011 Human ASCs were obtained by liposuction from informed and consenting patients a mixture of fibrin and hyaluronic acid (HA) and BMP-2 Six-week-old female athymic mice were divided into four groups: Undifferentiated ASCs were inoculated on uncoated scaffolds (group 1), fibrin/HA-coated scaffolds without BMP-2 (group 2), fibrin/HA-coated scaffolds injected once with BMP-2 (group 3), and BMP-2 -loaded fibrin/HA-coated scaffolds (group 4) (n = 6/group) Transplanted into the dorsal subcutaneous sites of the mice The fibrin/HA-coated and BMP-2-loaded scaffolds fabricated using MHDS would be useful for bone regeneration from undifferentiated ASCs
Lendeckel et al., 2004 autologous ASCs autologous fibrin glue A 7-year-old girl suffering from widespread calvarial defects Multi-fragment calvarial fractures with a 120 cm2 defect It showed no inhibition of stem cell proliferation; it is highly biocompatible and biodegradable. Fibrin glue can also serve as a biological vehicle for cell transplantation