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. 2020 Dec 3;20:94–104. doi: 10.1016/j.omto.2020.11.006

Table 1.

Clinical trial overview

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Age (years) 56 68 77 74 69 58 84 68 72 66 55 66
Gender M M M M F M F M M M M F
Race W AA W W W W W W AA W W W
ECOG PS 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
Location of primary tumor B/N B H/N H/U T H B H T B/T B/T T
Primary tumor size (cc) 10 25 23 19 8 18 8 6 57 17 53 22
Extrapancreatic extension Y Y N Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y
Lymph node involvement Y Y N Y N Y N Y N Y Y N
CA/SMA encasement N Y N N N N N N Y Y Y N
Liver metastases Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Tumor in other organs N N kidney lung spleen lung N N Lu/Ki/Ad lung N N
Tumor stagea T2N1M1 T4N1M1 T2N0M1 T2N1M1 T2N0M1 T2N1M1 T2N0M1 T2N1M1 T4N0M1 T2N1M1 T4N1M1 T2N0M1
Cohort 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3
Adenovirus dose (vp) 1 × 1011 1 × 1011 1 × 1011 3 × 1011 3 × 1011 3 × 1011 1 × 1012 1 × 1012 1 × 1012 1 × 1012 1 × 1012 1 × 1012
Chemotherapy regimen FOL G/A none G/A FOL to G/A FOL G G/A FOLFIRI FOL FOL FOLFIRI to FOLFOX to G/A
Status (as of 11/05/2020) expired expired expired expired expired expired expired alive expired alive alive alive
Number of grade >3 AEsb 1 1 0 3 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0
Number of SAEsc 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 poss 0 0 0 0 0
Tumor response at 9 months PD PD ND SD SD PD SD SD PD SD PD PD
Survival (months)d 4.8 5.4 1.6 2.7 10.5 3.5 15.2 20.0 3.5 19.1 18.1 18.0
Adenovirus DNA in blood N N N N Y N Y N N N N N
IL-12/INF-g/IP10 in serum N/Y/Y N/Y/Y N/N/N Y/Y/Y Y/N/Y N/N/Y Y/Y/Y Y/Y/Y Y/Y/Y N/Y/Y N/Y/Y N/Y/Y

B, body; CA, celiac axis; CR, complete response; F, female; FOL, FOLFIRINOX; G, Gemzar; G/A, Gemzar/Abraxane; H, head; M, male; N, neck; ND, cannot be determined based on CT every 2–3 months; PD, progressive disease; PR, partial response; SD, stable disease; SMA, superior mesenteric artery; T, tail; U, uncinate process.


American Joint Committee on Cancer, Eighth Edition.


Grade ≥3 adverse events (AEs) through primary toxicity endpoint (day 21 after the adenovirus injection) and prior to the start of chemotherapy.


Serious AEs (SAEs) that were unexpected and judged to be possibly/probably/definitely related to the investigational treatment (through day 21).


At the time of manuscript preparation.