Fig. 2.
Expression-based marker genes of TI-Tregs in mouse and human. (a) Volcano plots that show differential expression analysis from comparisons of tumor-bearing mouse TI-Treg (TBM-TI-Treg) with five other CD4+ T cell types in different tissue contexts: conventional CD4+ T cell from tumor-bearing mouse (TBM-TI-Tconv), spleen-derived Treg from tumor-bearing mouse (TBM-SP-Treg) and those from normal mouse (NM-SP-Treg), spleen-derived conventional CD4+ T cell from tumor-bearing mouse (TBM-SP-Tconv) and those from normal mouse (NM-SP-Tconv). The final 25 candidate markers by intersection of the comparisons are marked in red. (b) Violin plots that show the expression of six human genes differentially expressed in tumor Treg (TTR), normal Treg (NTR), PBMC Treg (PTR), tumor Tconv (TTH). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)