Table 2.
Title | Authors | Year | Eyes studieda | Findings |
Flavoprotein autofluorescence detection of early ocular dysfunction | Elner et al. | 2008 |
12 Pseudotumor cerebri (PTC) 12 Control |
PTC patients showed at least 25% higher average retinal FPF and CW in the more clinically affected eye. Control patients had no FPF or CW differences between eyes. |
Rapid, noninvasive detection of diabetes-induced retinal metabolic stress | Field et al. | 2008 |
42 Diabetes 42 Control |
Higher mean retinal FPF and CW in diabetic patients compared to controls. Diabetic patients with retinopathy exhibited higher FPF and CW than diabetic patients without retinopathy. |
Retinal flavoprotein autofluorescence as a measure of retinal health | Elner et al. | 2008 |
28 Diabetes 14 Controls 2 Advanced non-exudative AMD 2 Central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR) 2 Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) |
Higher mean retinal FPF and CW in diabetic patients compared to controls. Higher FPF in AMD, CSCR, and RP compared to age-matched control. FPF increases progressively with age in healthy controls. |
Detection of retinal metabolic stress resulting from central serous retinopathy | Field et al. | 2009 |
3 Unilateral CSCR and 3 unaffected fellow eyes 6 Control |
For each CSCR patient, the affected eye showed greater retinal FPF than the fellow eye. CSCR eyes also averaged 98% higher FPF than controls. |
Noninvasive imaging of mitochondrial dysfunction in dry age-related macular degeneration | Field et al. | 2012 |
3 Nonexudative AMD 3 Nonexudative AMD with GA 6 Controls |
Mean retinal FPF was higher in AMD eyes than in controls, and was higher in AMD eyes with GA compared to AMD eyes without GA. FPF heterogeneity was elevated in AMD eyes and correlated with atrophic lesion size. |
Randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial of the efficacy of a novel neuroprotective combination for reversing mitochondrial dysfunction in glaucomab | Ritch et al. | 2018 | 28 Glaucoma | Patients treated with a neuroprotective supplement experienced significant decrease in optic nerve FPF and CW. Placebo patients did not. |
Noninvasive detection of mitochondrial dysfunction in ocular hypertension and primary open-angle glaucoma | Geyman et al. | 2018 |
16 Ocular hypertension (OHT) 40 primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) 36 Control |
Eyes with OHT exhibited increased retinal FPF compared to controls. POAG eyes did not show FPF difference compared to controls, but did show elevated FPF/RGC+ratio compared to controls. |
Flavoprotein fluorescence correlation with visual acuity response in patients receiving anti-VEGF injection for diabetic macular edema | Andrade Romo et al. | 2018 | 8 Diabetic retinopathy with diabetic macular edema | Retinal FPF reduction following anti-VEGF injection strongly correlated with visual acuity improvement. |
FPF flavoprotein fluorescence, CW curve width, AMD age-related maculardegeneration, RGC+ combined retinal ganglion cell layer and inner plexiform layer thickness, VEGF vascular endothelial growth factor.
aMost of these studies selected both eyes, rather than one eye, from each patient when available.
bPoster presentation. All other titles are peer-reviewed publications.