Table 1.
Dimensions and definitions of task-shifting strategies for the proposed systematic review based on Proctor et al.’s framework for operationalising implementation strategies
Dimension | Operational definition for the planned systematic review |
Actors | Those persons delivering the implementation strategy. |
Actions | The methodology used to (A) adapt the treatment for the new delivery context, (B) train the lay personnel to protocol adherence, (C) implement the new treatment protocol with fidelity and (D) sustain the new programme. |
Action target | The focus of the task-shifting strategy, including the type of personnel delivering the intervention and the recipients. |
Temporality | The order/sequence of the action strategies. |
Dose | The amount or intensity of the actions and how much those doses differ from standard/non-shifted EBPTs. |
Implementation outcome affected | Identification of which outcome—acceptability, adoption, appropriateness, feasibility, fidelity, implementation cost, penetration and/or sustainability—is being targeted by the actions identified. |
Justification | Theoretical, empirical and/or pragmatic rationale for the strategies used to implement their intervention. |
EBPTs, evidence-based psychological treatments.