Overall Survival Correlated with Decreased Monocyte-to-Lymphocyte Ratios (MLRs) and EBV Plasma Concentrations
(A) Longitudinal MLRs, calculated from clinical complete blood counts. Colored line sets represent different intervals of overall survival, with each patient indicated as a single line. Overall survival in weeks for the colors are as follows: red, <50; orange, >50, <100; green, >100, <150; light blue, >150, <200; dark blue, >200, <250; pink, >250, <300; purple, >300. (B) Correlation of MLR with overall survival at postchemotherapy time point (Spearman correlation). (C) Correlation of plasma EBV DNA concentrations with overall survival at postchemotherapy time point (Spearman correlation). (D) Stratification of patients with cutoffs of >3.05 log10 ([EBV DNA] + 1) and >0.5 MLR. (E) Survival plot of high- and low-risk individuals (Gehan-Breslow-Wilcoxon test, 95% confidence interval [CI] shown between dashed lines). For all experiments, n = 34. (D and E) n = 7 high risk; 27 low risk.