Extended Data Fig. 6. Delineation of the EC for each case used in immunofluorescence validation.
a, The borders of the caudal EC delineated on sections stained with hematoxylin and eosin (H&E) for all 26 cases used in immunofluorescence validation (Table 1). b, Borders of the EC were determined with the aid of 400 um thick serial coronal sections of whole-brain hemispheres stained with gallocyanin (see Methods). Each H&E section (left) along with its corresponding immunofluorescence image (middle) was aligned to the most approximate gallocyanin section (right), in which the the dissecans layers (diss-1, diss-2, and diss-ext) characteristic of the caudal EC were easier to visualize. This was then used to guide delineation of the EC on the H&E and immunofluorescence sections. For more details on the cytoarchitectonic definitions used to define the caudal EC, please consult Heinsen et al.19.