Fig. 2.
Determination of transfection efficiency of EKVX-pmiR and H322M-pmiR cells. A) EKVX-pmiR or H322M-pmiR cells were co-transfected with 6 nM premiRcontrol (premiRcont) and 0.6 nM (10%) siRNA control (sicont) or siRNA to firefly luciferase (siLUC2) using 0.1 μL of RNAiMAX. Thirty-two hours post-transfection, reporter activity was measured. UT = untransfected. Values of the siLUC2 + premiRcont bars indicate calculated transfection efficiencies as per the inset equation: Transfection efficiency of EKVX-pmiR cells relative to UT = 100 − (0.222*100) = 77.8%. Transfection efficiency of H322M-pmiR cells relative to UT = 100 − (0.290*100) = 71.0%. B) EKVX-pmiR cells were transfected with various ratios of premiRcont:siLUC2 using either 0.05 or 0.1 μL lipofectamine RNAiMAX. Raw data were evaluated using the equation in A and are represented as transfection efficiency.