Extended Data Fig. 4 |. Single-particle cryo-EM maps docked into a subtomogram average of the axoneme.
a, Two views showing the single-particle cryo-EM maps of RS1, RS2, RS3S, N-DRC, and IDAc docked into the subtomogram average of the 96-nm repeat of the Chlamydomonas axoneme (EMD-6872). The subtomogram average is shown as a gray isosurface. b, Zoom-in view showing the map of RS3S. Density for RS3S is recovered in 25% of the particles following 3D classification (Extended Data Fig. 1b). RS3S interacts with two molecular staples of unknown identity. c, Zoom-in view showing the model and map for the N-DRC baseplate. Three N-DRC subunits (DRC1, DRC2, and DRC4) can be unambiguously identified. FAP91 interacts with all three.