Extended Data Fig. 9 |. Dynamics of radial spokes by multi-body analysis.
a, Multi-body analysis of isolated RS1. Left, the contributions of all eigenvectors to the variance. The first eigenvector accounts for 37% of all variability. Inset, the unimodal histogram of amplitudes along the first eigenvector indicates continuous motion. Right, the density maps at the extremes and middle show the same tilting of the spokehead relative to the stalk as observed by the neural-network approach in Fig. 6a. b, Multi-body analysis of on-doublet RS1 shows the same direction of spokehead tilt as isolated RS1. c, Multi-body analysis of on-doublet RS2 shows that the spokeheads of both radial spokes tilt in similar directions to similar extents. d, Multi-body analysis of the movement of the RS1 stalk with respect to the doublet microtubule (DMT) surface.