Figure 4:
Body weight, unconditioned startle, and alopecia in the beginning (FPS1) and the end (FPS8) of adult discriminative S/F conditioning. Body weight reduced significantly over the course of adult conditioning regardless of juvenile stress and sex. Females weighed less than males throughout (A). The startle response to unsignalled startle noises alone increased uniformly in all groups over the course of adult conditioning and females showed a lower startle amplitude than males throughout sessions (B). The percentage of mice presenting with alopecia increased significantly after juvenile stress (C). JS: juvenile stress, no JS: no juvenile stress, m: males, f: females, alop: alopecia, no alop: no alopecia; &p<0.05, &&&&p<0.0001 session effect, $$p<0.01, $$$$p<0.0001 sex effect, ++p<0.01 distribution effect.