Fig. 2. Biosynthesis scheme of SELP-CarHc hydrogels.
Steps indicating the biosynthesis of a hydrogel. Proteins ACA and BCB were dissolved in PBS to yield 10 wt% solutions. AdoB12 was dissolved in PBS to a final concentration of 10 mM. Protein A and B were mixed at an equimolar ratio and polymerized, followed by the addition of a stoichiometric amount of AdoB12 in the dark at 25°C temperature and incubated overnight. Structure of AdoB12 reproduced from Figure 1 in Chemaly (2016). Scale bars are 10 mm. SDS-PAGE gel picture is indicating the purification of ACA (step 1), BCB (step 3), and polymerization of ACA and BCB (step 5). SEM image of a hydrogel is attached in step 8. Detailed description is given in supplementary information.