a, b, Representative confocal z-stack projection montages of C57BL/6 mouse femur stained for CGRP (nociceptive nerves), TH (sympathetic nerves), and TUBB3 (all peripheral nerves), CD31+ CD144+ double-positive vasculature. Scale bar, 100 μm. Femoral sensory and sympathetic innervation quantified by the total length of all CGRP+, TH+, or TUBB+ nerve fibres divided by the bone marrow area. n=3 mice. c, Schematic illustration of the pharmacological denervation experiment using RTX and 6OHDA. d, e, Representative images of confocal z-stack projections from femurs of control-, RTX-, 6OHDA-, dual-denervated mice stained for CGRP+ nociceptive nerve fibres, TH+ sympathetic nerve fibres, CD31+CD144+ blood vessels and DAPI. Scale bar, 100 μm. Femoral sensory and sympathetic innervation quantified by the total length of CGRP+ or TH+ nerves divided by total bone marrow area. Data from n=4, 5, 4, 4 mice, respectively. Error bars represent s.e.m. one-way ANOVA.