Fig. 2. Retina-selective induction of Cre activity in Rosa26 BEST1-CreERT2/ LSL-tdTomato mice.
(A) Sagittal eyecup cryosection through the optic nerve head from a male Rosa26 BEST1-CreERT2/ LSL-tdTomato mouse injected beginning at P14 as done for Fig. 1B shows RPE-selective tdTomato fluorescence indicative of efficient Cre activity. No tdTomato fluorescence was detected in multiple tissues including brain, heart, kidney, muscle, liver, lung and spleen, with the exception of infrequent foci in the testis. (B) Neural retinal flatmount from a male Rosa26 BEST1-CreERT2/ LSL-tdTomato mouse treated as in (A) shows sparse foci of tdTomato expression not present in an uninjected control of the same sex and genotype. Scale bars: (A) 40 μm, (B) 300 μm.