Figure 2. Experimental paradigm and basic demographics.
a) b) (Left) A histogram of the distribution of participants across the VVIQ. Aphantasic participants were selected as those scoring 25 and below (N=61) and controls were selected as those scoring 40 and above (N=52), while those in between were removed from the analyses (N=8). While the range of the VVIQ is from 16 to 80, some participants (N=10 out of 121 total) skipped 1–3 questions, leading to some participants scoring below 16. These skipped questions did not affect group membership. (Middle) A scatterplot of total VVIQ score plotted against total OSIQ Object component score for participants meeting criterion. Each point represents a participant, with aphantasic participants in blue and controls in red. There was a significant difference in OSIQ Object score between the two groups. (Right) A scatterplot of total VVIQ score plotted against OSIQ Spatial component score. There was no difference in OSIQ Spatial score between the two groups. Both the OSIQ Object component and Spatial components have a range of 15 to 75 points.