(A) Forward and reverse primer sequences are shown (underlined). Hoxb5b sgRNA1 (blue) and sgRNA2 (green) genomic target sequences are shown. Protospacer adjacent motif-PAM sequence (pink). (B) T7 endonuclease I (T7EI) assay. (Lane 2) marker. (Lane 1) untreated and (lane 3,10) T7EI treated amplicons from control embryos. (Lane 5–9) amplicons from embryos injected with hoxb5b sgRNA1/Cas9 or (Lane 4,11–13)
hoxb5b sgRNA2/Cas9 were digested by T7EI. Live images of (C) Control, and (D, E)
sgRNA1/Cas9 and sgRNA2/Cas9 injected Tg(sox17:EGFP) at 30 hpf. Somatic disruption of the Hoxb5b locus by two separate sgRNAs phenocopies foregut defects in Hoxb5b morphants. Anterior to the top, results are from 2 independent experiments.