Fig 1. Galvanotaxis of mammalian cranial neural crest cell (CNCC) line - ‘O9–1’.
(A,B) Migration of CNCCs in control cultures without applying EF (C,D) Significant directional migration of CNCC to the anode in an applied EF. B and D show the migration tracks of CNCCs for 3 hours as in A and C respectively. (E,F,G) Reversal of EF polarity reversed cell migration direction. (F) In the first 2 hours cells move toward the anode on the left. Then the field polarity was reversed for next 2 hours. (G) Cells reversed their direction within 5–10 minutes following reversal of field polarity and migrated towards the new anode on the right. Migration trajectories of selected cells in A, C and E are presented as temporal color codes. F and G show migration tracks as from E for total of 4 hrs with field polarity reversed after 2 hrs. Cells migrate towards the left are shown in red, and to the right in black. The position of all cells in B,D, F, G, at t = 0 min is positioned at the origin (0, 0). n= 50 cells from one experiment and confirmed in two additional experiments. O9–1 cells were cultured in complete ES cell medium with 15% FBS and LIF + 25 ng/ml recombinant human bFGF. EF= 200 mV/mm.