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. 2020 Nov 30;99(2):138–147. doi: 10.2471/BLT.19.243907

Table 1. Selected results, survey of 87 national ethics committees, 84 countries, 2018.

Parametera Value
General (n = 87)
Affiliation, no. of committees (%)
    Ministry of health 48 (55.2)
    Government 25 (28.7)
    Ministry of education 10 (11.5)
    UNESCO 10 (11.5)
Establishment, no. of committees (%)
    Legal act 46 (52.9)
    Government 41 (47.1)
Links to government, no. of committees (%)
    Appointment of members 61 (70.1)
    Funding 56 (64.4)
    Premises 46 (52.9)
    Appointment of chair 41 (47.1)
    Under direct governmental oversight 15 (17.2)
Membership (n = 87)
Members, median (IQR) 15 (12–20)
Female members, median (IQR) 6 (4–8.25)
Members’ background, no. of committees (%)
    Medicine 85 (97.7)
    Ethics or philosophy (academia) 72 (82.8)
    Law 67 (77.0)
    Other social sciences 63 (72.4)
Activity (n = 87)
Meetings each year, median (IQR) 8 (3.75–12)
Publications of opinions, reports, policy recommendations or a combination (no.),b median (IQR) 2 (0.5–5.5)
Involvement in preparation of work and decisions, no. of committees (%)
    Receipt of expert technical advice 77 (88.5)
    Literature reviews 72 (82.8)
    Stakeholder hearings 58 (66.7)
    Public consultations 29 (33.3)
Decision-making method, no. of committees (%)
    Consensus only 45 (51.7)
    Voting only 9 (10.3)
    Both or mixed 31 (35.6)
Contributions to:
health-related laws and regulations, median (IQR) 1 (0–2)
health-related policies, median (IQR) 1 (0–3)
Proportion of funding coming from government,c median (range) (n = 82) 90 (0–100)
Number of sources, no. of committees (%) (n = 74)
    > 1 30 (40.5)
    > 2 8 (10.8)
Secretariat available, no. of committees (%) (n = 87) 79 (90.8)
Funding of secretariat, no. of committees (%) (n = 79)
    Directly by government 42 (53.2)
    Through committee’s operational budget 24 (30.4)
    Review fee 3 (3.8)
    Parliament 2 (2.5)
Tasks, no. of committees (%) (n = 79)
    Organizing meetings 72 (91.1)
    Preparing responses 60 (75.9)
    Preparing written opinions, reports and policy recommendations 56 (70.9)
Staff (no.), median (IQR) 3 (2–5)
Full-time equivalent employees
    Available, median (IQR) 2 (1–3.5)
    Needed, median (IQR) 4 (2–5.5)
    Ratio of staff available to staff needed,d average 0.65
    Committees whose needs were met (i.e. ratio: ≥ 1), no. (%) (n = 77) 12 (15.6)
Compensation of staff, no. of committees (%) (n = 79)
    Fixed salary 50 (63.3)
    Attendance fee 13 (16.5)
    Reimbursement of travel costs 22 (27.8)
    No financial compensation 15 (19.0)
Public relations and engagement (n = 87)
Annual press releases,e median (IQR) 0 (0–2)
Cooperation with broadcast media (no. occasions),f median (IQR) 1.5 (0–3.25)
No press releases and no cooperation with broadcast media, no. of committees (%) 31 (35.6)
Estimated proportion of bioethics topics involving the committee in 2017 that were picked up by the country’s media, no. of committees (%)
    75–100% 6 (6.9)
    50–74% 6 (6.9)
    24–49% 12 (13.8)
    0–24% 45 (51.7)
    No estimate 18 (20.7)
Website used, no. of committees (%)
    Own 47 (54.0)
    Government 30 (34.5)
Social media use, no. of committees (%)
    Facebook 8 (9.2)
    Twitter 4 (4.6)
    LinkedIn 1 (1.1)

IQR: interquartile range; UNESCO: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.

a Full survey findings are available from the online data repository.16

b Overall, 24.1% (21/87) of committees published no opinions, reports or policy recommendations in 2017.

c The average proportion of funding that came from government was 58.9%.

d The standard deviation was ± 0.79 and the range was 0–5.

e Overall, 55.2% (48/87) of committees issued no press releases in 2017 and 12.6% (11/87) issued more than four.

f Overall, 39.1% (34/87) of committees cooperated with broadcast media on no occasions, whereas 23.0% (20/87) cooperated on more than four occasions