Hub topology is altered in knee OA (KOA): differences in hub status between osteoarthritis (OA) patients and healthy controls. (a) Mean nodal difference between groups (KOA—control), organized by score and thresholded at ±2 SD (gray lines) from the mean difference (red dots) and graphic representation of selected nodes. (b) Validation of nodal disruption in KOA hold out sample: 6 out of 11 regions were validated: sensory‐motor regions and parahippocampal gyrus present a significant degree gain and insula/operculum, normal hub nodes, show an abnormal reduction of degree in KOA patients. (c) Hip OA group, validates uniquely the increase in degree for S1 and parahippocampal gyrus. FP, frontoparietal cortex; DMN, default mode network; ROI, region of interest; S1, primary somatosensory cortex; SM, sensory‐motor cortex. *p < .05, permutational test