Experimental design. A neurofeedback session contains a first resting scan (Rest1), rumination‐inducing task scan (Think), is followed by five experimental runs: View1, Neurofeedback 1 to 3 (NF1, 2, 3) View2, and ends with the last resting scan (Rest2). Each experimental run started with a first “Rest” block (90‐s), followed by “View” or “Regulation” block (100‐s) during the presentation of four negative trait words (25‐s for each word) and “Rest” block (30‐s) alternatively. In the initial view scan (View1: Baseline), participants were instructed to naturally respond to those negative trait words during the “View” block, and in the last view scan (View2: Transfer), participants were instructed to use the mental strategy that worked best throughout three neurofeedback runs (NF1, 2, 3) during the “View” block. In the neurofeedback scan, participants were instructed to apply a mental strategy, such as cognitive reappraisal and acceptance (“it is OK” statement), while viewing negative trait words and instructed to regulate their brain activity represented by the sidebars during the “Regulation” block