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. 2020 Nov 24;42(4):993–1002. doi: 10.1002/hbm.25273


Results of the VLSM analyses. All results are corrected for lesion volume, age, sex, and education

Task N voxels in cluster Peak t value MNI coordinates at peak Anatomical labels (Catani & Thiebaut de Schotten, 2012; Rorden & Brett, 2000)
Category Fluency 232 3.7 16, 2, 34 Right cingulum
Category Fluency, corrected for processing speed 281 3.6 18, 8, 22 Right corpus callosum
SCWT Word Reading 433 4.0 14, 26, 8 Right corpus callosum
SCWT Color Naming
Cluster 1 426 5.1 20, 24, 22 Right corpus callosum
Cluster 2 421 5.3 −18, 32, 14 Left corpus callosum
Cluster 3 345 4.2 34, −44, 18 Right arcuate posterior segment
SCWT Color‐Word Naming
Cluster 1 857 5.0 18, −42, 24 Right corpus callosum
Cluster 2 822 5.0 −22, 28, 16 Left corpus callosum
SCWT Color‐Word Naming, corrected for processing speed 502 5.0 −26, 30, 18 a Left corpus callosum

Abbreviations: MNI, Montreal Neurological Institute 152; SCWT, Stroop Color Word Test; VLSM, voxel‐based lesion–symptom mapping.


Label for MNI coordinates: −22, 30, 18 from natbrainlab atlas.