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. 2020 Oct-Dec;13(4):220–223. doi: 10.5935/1984-0063.20200004

Table 1.

Values of dental disorders present in 152 children, divided into mouth breathers (MB) and nasal breathers (NB), with the OSA-18 means of each group.

n=152 MB (n=89) NB (n=63) p
Malocclusion 40 (45%)* 25 (40%) 0.5183
Dental Caries 50 (56%) 25 (40%) 0.0451*
Tooth Loss 34 (38%) 13 (21%) 0.0210*
Bruxism 45 (51%) 17 (27%) 0.0036*
Suction Finger/Pacifier 46 (52%) 27 (43%) 0.2832
OSA-18 57 40  

Significant values p<0.05