The parameters quoted are the endemic prevalence P, parasite aggregation parameter k, basic reproduction number R0 and cluster population number N, where the age profiles are all assumed to be exactly flat for simplicity. The transmission elimination probabilities are evaluated after 100 years post-cessation of MDA and are quoted assuming either past behaviour-independent adherence (i.e., simple time-dependent coverage in age groups and only population heterogeneity at the level of age bins) or the adherence behaviour inferred from our model in this paper for the TUMIKIA project (see S2 Appendix). In parameter set 1: (P, k, R0, N) = (0.15, 0.05, 2.1, 1000) and parameter set 2: (P, k, R0, N) = (0.4, 0.15, 2.5, 1000).