(A to D) Expression analysis of kcnl-1(bln508[kcnl-1::SL2::wrmScarlet]). Scale bar, 20 μm. (A) Strong expression in vulval muscle 1 (vm1) and 2 (vm2), uterine muscle (um), ventral nerve cord motoneurons (VNC mn), and cholinergic neurons VC4 and VC5. (B) Expression in somato-intestinal muscle (sim), anal depressor muscle (adm), and neurons in tail ganglia. (C) Expression in neurons of the head. (D) Weak expression in body-wall muscles (bwm). (E) Offspring number in the uterus (embryos and larvae) of adult hermaphrodites (L4 + 48 hours) in JU751WT, JU751 ARLKCNL-1 L530V and JU1200WT, JU1200 ARLKCNL-1 V530L. n = 30 per strain. (F) Temporal dynamics of matricidal hatching in JU751WT, JU751 ARLKCNL-1 L530V and JU1200WT, JU1200 ARLKCNL-1 V530L across the first 3 days of adulthood (L4 + 24 hours, L4 + 48 hours, L4 + 72 hours). Data show the cumulative percentage of mothers displaying matricidal hatching, i.e., mothers containing one or more internally hatched larva. n = 119 to 140 per strain. (G) Offspring number in uterus (eggs and larvae) of adult hermaphrodites (L4 + 36 hours) in JU751WT, JU751 ARLKCNL-1 L530V and JU1200WT, JU1200 ARLKCNL-1 V530L in food (solid) versus starvation (liquid). n = 27 to 30 per strain (two-way ANOVA, genotype: F3,229 = 176.1, P < 0.0001; environment: F1,229 = 132.4, P < 0.0001; genotype × environment: F3,229 = 124.5, P < 0.0001). (H) Lifetime offspring production of selfing hermaphrodites in JU751WT, JU751 ARLKCNL-1 L530V and JU1200WT, JU1200 ARLKCNL-1 V530L. n = 43 to 47 per strain. (I) Life span of selfing hermaphrodites in JU751WT, JU751 ARLKCNL-1 L530V and JU1200WT, JU1200 ARLKCNL-1 V530L. n = 29 to 45 per strain. (E), (H), and (I): ANOVAs performed separately for each strain background: ****P < 0.0001.