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. 2020 Nov 23;100(2):697–706. doi: 10.1016/j.psj.2020.10.077

Table 3.

CBT and extremity T (°C) of white-feathered layer pullets during simulated transport exposed to 5 T/RH combinations (−15°C uncontrolled RH, 21°C 30% RH, 21°C 80% RH, 30°C 30% RH, and 30°C 80% RH) for a D of 4 or 8 h.

Parameter T/RH combinations
P-value D
P-value Interaction P-value SEM1
−15 21/30 21/80 30/30 30/80 4 h 8 h
Final CBT2 38.24b 40.00a 39.91a 40.61a 40.75a <0.01 39.64 40.15 NS NS 0.24
Δ CBT3 −0.62 0.53 0.21 0.43 0.56 0.08 −0.11b 0.53a 0.03 NS 0.16
Final foot temperature 12.97d 30.18c 32.48b 34.45a,b 35.20a <0.01 27.47 27.75 NS NS 2.02
Δ Foot temperature4 −15.28 −2.24 3.37 4.00 6.47 NS −2.53 −1.43 NS NS 2.02

a–dMeans within a parameter with different superscripts are significantly different (P ≤ 0.05).

Abbreviations: CBT, core body temperature; D, duration; NS, not significant; T, temperature.


Pooled SEM.


Average CBT for the final hour of exposure.


Delta (Δ) CBT = mean pullet CBT (last hour of exposure)−mean baseline CBT (15 min prior to exposure).


Delta (Δ) = final foot temperature−initial foot temperature.