Histopathology in tissues of domestic pigeons infected with PPMV-1 strain LHLJ/110822, and the pathological change in each picture is indicated by an arrow, circle, or star. Congestion not marked. (A2) Gliosis in the brain. (B2) Congestion in the trachea, mild edema, and a small amount of inflammatory cell infiltration in the lamina propria mucosa. (C2) Exudation in the lung. (D2) Congestion in the liver, hepatocyte atrophy. (E2) Congestion in the spleen, slight reduction of white pulp lymphocytes, red blood cell accumulation in the red pulp. (F2) Congestion in the kidney, inflammatory cell infiltration, partial degeneration, and necrosis of renal tubular epithelial cells. Pigeons in the negative control group did not show any apparent histopathological changes in tissues investigated (Figure 1 A1-F1).