Table 2.
Methods employed by each included network meta-analysis
NMA | Analysis and base-case model type | PASI outcome type (cut-offs); summary statistic | Timepoints | Treatment of doses | How was heterogeneity considered | How was inconsistency considered | Number of studies | |
Woolacott 2006 [35] | Bayesian, ordered probit, RE | Ordered categorical (50, 75, 90); RR | 4–16 weeks | ETN doses analyzed separately, IFX combined 5 mg and 3 mg/ kga | Qualitative assessment of clinical characteristics and quantitative assessment based on χ2 for pair-wise analyses; RE model used | N/A; no loops of evidence in the network | 16 | |
Reich 2008 [32] | Bayesian, ordered probit, RE | Ordered categorical (50, 75, 90); RR | 10–12 and 24 weeks | Analyzed separately | Assessed based on clinical characteristics and χ2 for pair-wise analysis; only considered significant for infliximab; explored by removing the smallest study from pairwise analyses; RE model used | N/A; no loops of evidence in the network | 15 | |
Bansback 2009 [31] | Bayesian, ordered probit, RE | Ordered categorical (50, 75, 90); RR | 8–16 weeks | One dose per drug with lower or higher doses tested in sensitivity analysis | Qualitative assessment of baseline characteristics; meta-regression on baseline characteristics considered, but deemed unnecessary; sensitivity analyses performed using different trials and high or low evaluated dosages were run and compared with base case results; RE model used | NR | 22 | |
Reich 2012 [39] | Bayesian, ordered probit, RE | Ordered categorical (50, 75, 90); RR | 10–16 weeks | Analyzed separately | Assessment NR; RE model used | NR | 20 | |
Lin 2012 [43] | Bayesian, binomial logit (assumed), RE | Dichotomous (50, 75, 90); OR | 10–16 weeks | Analyzed separately | Three models assessed for best fit: FE, RE and RE with meta-regression on disease duration and BSA involvement; sensitivity analyses performed using high or low evaluated dosages and excluding studies with only treatment-naïve patients; RE model used | Compared results including and excluding head-to-head trials, but results inconclusive | 17 | |
Gupta 2014 [19] | Bayesian, binomial logit (assumed), RE | Dichotomous (75); OR | 10–16 weeks | For ETN both licensed doses combined; for other one dose per drug | Qualitative assessment of study and patient characteristics, quantitative assessment based on Q and I2 statistics for pairwise analyses; RE model used | Node-splitting analysis for each loop of evidence in network; no inconsistency detected | 21 | |
Messori 2015 [18] | Bayesian; binomial logit (assumed), FE | N/A | 12–24 weeks | Analyzed separately | Accounted for in a meta-regression (not described); RE and FE models compared for goodness of fit and FE model used | NR | Any SAE 10, any infectious AE 11 | |
Signorovitch 2015 [42] | Bayesian, ordered probit, RE, included regression adjustment for placebo arm responses | Ordered categorical (50, 75, 90); RR | 8–16 weeks | Analyzed separately | RE models with and without adjustment for placebo arm responses compared for goodness of fit and RE model with adjustment used; sensitivity analyses performed using WB dosing for ustekinumab and using binomial logit model at PASI 75 alone | NR | 15 | |
Gomez Garcia 2016 [23] | Frequentist multivariate, RE | Dichotomous (75, 90); OR | 10–16 weeks | Analyzed separately | Quantitative assessment based on I2 in pairwise meta-analysis | Assessed using the ratio of ORs where a value ≥ 2 indicated potential inconsistency; some evidence of inconsistency identified | 27 | |
Jabbar-Lopez 2017 [17] | Frequentist multivariate, RE | Dichotomous (75, 90b); OR | > 12 weeks reported, but 10-week IFX trials included | All doses combined | Assessed by visual inspection of forest plots; RE model used; subgroup analysis included data on licensed biologic doses only | Assessed by visual inspection of forest plots, loop-specific inconsistency plots and calculation of an inconsistency factorb; some evidence of inconsistency identified | PASI 75: 40, Withdrawals due to AEs: 36 | |
Sbidian 2017 [34] | Frequentist multivariate, choice of FE or RE NR | Dichotomous (75, 90); RR | 12–16 weeks | All doses combined | Assessed by inspection of patient and study characteristics and estimation of between-study standard deviation followed by comparison with empirical distributions; subgroup analyses and meta-regression on key patient characteristics planned, but data insufficient to perform; sensitivity analyses at dose-level considering each drug dose a different intervention, excluding trials at high risk of bias or with total sample size of < 50 patients and analyzing outcomes on observed cases only | Assessed using loop-specific and side-splitting approaches (Bucher 1997 and Dias 2010) and by fitting a design by treatment interaction model; some evidence of inconsistency identified | PASI 90: 58; SAE: 60; PASI 75: 64; Any AE: 54 | |
Geng 2018 [22] | Bayesian, binomial logit (assumed), RE | Dichotomous assumed (50, 75, 90); OR | NR | Analyzed separately | Assessment NR; RE model used | Assessed by node-splitting; because p > 0.05, the inconsistency model was used | 33 | |
Loos 2018 [24] | Bayesian, ordered probit, RE, included regression adjustment for placebo arm responses | Ordered categorical (50, 75, 90); RR | 10–16 weeks | Only one dose per drug except UST, where doses were combined | Assessment NR; RE model with adjustment for placebo arm responses used | NR | 34 | |
Sawyer 2018 (i) [36] | Bayesian, ordered probit, RE, included regression adjustment for placebo arm responses | Ordered categorical (50, 75, 90, 100); RR | 10–16 weeks | Analyzed separately | Qualitative assessment of study and patient characteristics; RE and FE models with and without adjustment for placebo arm responses compared for goodness of fit and RE model with adjustment used; sensitivity analyses performed including data from trial arms of unlicensed doses of systemic therapies | Assessed using RE unrelated mean effects model; no evidence of inconsistency detected | 41 | |
Sawyer 2018(m) [40] | Bayesian, ordered probit, FE | Ordered categorical (75, 90, 100); RR | 40–64 weeks | Analyzed separately | Qualitative assessment of study design, patient characteristics and endpoints; FE and RE models assessed for goodness of fit and FE model used; sensitivity analysis performed excluding studies with < 5% of patients report prior biologic exposure | Assessed using loop-specific approach (Bucher 1997); no evidence of inconsistency detected | 17 | |
Cameron 2018c [38] | Base-case analysis | Bayesian, binomial logit, RE, included regression adjustment for placebo arm responses | Dichotomous (50, 75, 90, 100); RR | 10–16 weeks | Analyzed separately | Qualitative assessment of study and patient characteristics; quantitative assessment based I2 statistics for pairwise analyses; FE and RE models combined with several meta-regressions to account for variation in placebo response, prior biologic use, body weight, disease duration, age, race, and baseline outcome scores were compared for goodness of fit; RE model with placebo adjustment used for PASI 50, 90 and 100 and RE model with disease duration adjustment used for PASI 75 | Assessed by comparing the mean of the posterior residual deviance and DIC statistics in fitted consistency and inconsistency models; no evidence of inconsistency detected | 45 |
Supplementary analysisc | Bayesian, ordered probit, RE, included regression adjustment for placebo arm responses | Ordered categorical (50, 75, 90, 100); RR | RE model combined with meta-regression to account for variation in placebo response using covariate at each PASI cut-off; RE model with placebo adjustment used | |||||
Sawyer 2019 [37] | Bayesian, ordered probit, RE, included regression adjustment for placebo arm responses | Ordered categorical (50, 75, 90, 100); RR | 10–16 weeks | Analyzed separately | Qualitative assessment of study and patient characteristics; RE models with and without adjustment for placebo arm responses compared for goodness of fit; sensitivity analyses performed to test impact of excluding trials reporting < 5% biologic exposed patients, using a different timepoint (12 weeks rather than 16 weeks) for secukinumab, and excluding studies with fewer than 50 patients per arm | Assessed using RE unrelated mean effects model; no evidence of inconsistency detected | 77 | |
Bai 2019 [21] | Frequentist, model type NR, choice of FE or RE NR | Dichotomous (75, 100); RR | 12–16 weeks | Only one dose per drug except UST, where high dose and WB dose combined | NR | Assessed using loop-specific approach; some inconsistency detected | 28 | |
Xu 2019a [25] | Bayesian, binomial logit (assumed), RE | Dichotomous (50, 75, 90, 100); OR | 12–16 weeks | Only one dose per drug except IXE, SEC, UST, where doses were combinedd | Assessment NR; RE model used | Node-splitting and net heat plots conducted; node-splitting showed some inconsistency; net heat plots showed no statistical inconsistency | 54 | |
Xu 2019b [26] | Bayesian, binomial logit (assumed), choice of FE or RE NR | Dichotomous (75); RR | 12–24 weeks | All doses combined | Assessment NR; subgroup analyses stratified by drugs and time of follow-up. Meta-regression analysis was performed by publication year, drugs, number of patients, male ratio, white ratio, time of follow-up, biologic agents and PsA. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to find whether one or more studies deviated from the overall results | Method NR, but no significant inconsistency found | 13 | |
Warren 2019 [41] | Bayesian, model type NR, FE | Unclear; proportion of AUC (75, 90, 100) | 12–16 weeks | Analyzed separately | Authors comment on similarity of inclusion/exclusion criteria of trials and similarity of baseline characteristics; FE and RE models assessed for goodness of fit and FE model used; estimated percentages of maximum AUC from NMA were placebo-adjusted, but no rationale provided for why | NR | 28 | |
Wu 2020 [44] | Frequentist, model type NR, RE | N/A | Up to 24 weeks | All doses combined | NR | Assessed using design-by-treatment model, loop inconsistency model and node-splitting model | BW change: 6 BMI change: 5 | |
Sbidian 2020 [34] | Frequentist multivariate, choice of FE or RE NR | Dichotomous (75, 90); RR | 8–24 weeks | All doses combined | Assessed by inspection of patient and study characteristics and estimation of between-study standard deviation followed by comparison with empirical distributions; subgroup analyses and meta-regression on key patient characteristics planned, but data insufficient to perform; sensitivity analyses at dose-level considering each drug dose a different intervention, excluding trials at high risk of bias or with total sample size of < 50 patients and analyzing outcomes on observed cases only | Assessed using loop-specific and side-splitting approaches (Bucher 1997and Dias 2010) and by fitting a design by treatment interaction model; some evidence of inconsistency identified |
PASI 75: 107 PASI 90: 95 |
Warren 2020 [20] | Bayesian and frequentist, model type NR, FE | Dichotomous (75, 90); unclear | 4, 8 and 12 weeks | Analyzed separately | Assessment NR; authors assumed studies to be generally similar and consistent | NR | 33 | |
Armstrong 2020 [30] | Bayesian, ordered probit, RE, included regression adjustment for placebo arm responses | Ordered categorical (50, 75, 90, 100); Response rates | 10–16 weeks | Analyzed separately | Assessment NR; to account for heterogeneity across trials, a model that adjusted for reference-arm response was implemented | NR | 60 |
ADA adalimumab, AE adverse events, AUC area under the curve, BMI body mass index, BSA body surface area, BW body weight, ETN etanercept, FE fixed-effect (model), IFX infliximab, IXE ixekizumab, kg kilogram, i induction, m maintenance, mg milligram, N/A not applicable, NMA network meta-analysis, NR not reported, OR odds ratio, PASI Psoriasis Area and Severity Index, PsA psoriatic arthritis, RE random-effects (model), RR risk ratio, SAE serious adverse events, SEC secukinumab, UST ustekinumab, WB weight-based
aThe same outcome code was used in the model
bInconsistency factor was defined as the logarithm of the ratio of two ORs from direct and indirect evidence in a loop, with values close to 1 suggesting agreement between direct and indirect evidence
cThe only results available in the base-case analysis were for guselkumab versus each comparator; comparisons for all treatments versus placebo were available in a further analysis, supplied in the online supplement. These results are used for the comparisons in our analysis
dThe labels in this study suggest that only licensed doses were included; however, closer inspection reveals that the study data relates to trial arms of unlicensed doses. It is assumed that these were combined with studies evaluating licensed doses