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. 2021 Feb 3;11:2908. doi: 10.1038/s41598-021-82511-x

Table 4.

The size of the head and classification with regard to the presence and character of encephalopathy (A, B), neural tube defects (C), type of spasticity (D, E), and epilepsy (F, G).

(A) The size of the head—dysmorphology classification (HC) and classification with regard to the presence and character of encephalopathy
Classification with regard to the presence and character of encephalopathy The size of the head—dysmorphology classification (HC) by z-score HC (p = 0.060; Cp = 0.164)
Normal Microcephaly Macrocephaly Total
N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%)
PE 8 1.3 0 − 1.1 0 − 0.6 8
NPE 236 (82%) − 1.6 41 (14%) 2.6 10 (4%) − 1.2 287
NMD 29 (91%) 1.1 0 − 2.3 3 (9%) 1.6 32
Total 273 (83.5%) 41 (12.5%) 13 (4%) 327
(B) The size of the head—traditional classification (HC) and classification with regard to the presence and character of encephalopathy
Classification with regard to the presence and character of encephalopathy The size of the head—traditional classification (HC) by z-score HC (p = 0.006; Cp = 0.206)
Normal Microcephaly Macrocephaly Total
N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%)
PE 7 (87.5%) 1.2 1 (12.5%) − 0.7 0 − 0.9 8
NPE 195 (68%) − 0.6 69 (24%) 2.4 23 (8%) − 2.4 287
NMD 22 (69%) 0.0 2 (6%) − 2.3 8 (25%) 3.2 24
Total 224 (68.5%) 72 (22%) 31 (9.5%) 327
(C) Relationship between the size of the head—traditional classification (HC) and encephalopathy in neural tube defects
Encephalopathy in neural tube defects The size of the head—traditional classification (HC) by z-score HC (p = 0.004; Cp = 0.564)
Normal Microcephaly Macrocephaly Total
N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%)
sasMMC&HCP 14 (82%) 3.1 0 − 2.3 3 (18%) − 1.9 17
sasMMC, sasMM, ACM, HCP 1 (14%) − 3.1 2 (29%) 2.3 4 (57%) 1.9 7
Total 15 (63%) 2 (8%) 7 (29%) 24
(D) The size of the head—traditional classification (HC) and type of spasticity
Type of spasticity The size of the head—traditional classification (HC) by z-score HC (p = 0.034; Cp = 0.211)
Normal Microcephaly Macrocephaly Total
N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%)
Diplegia 62 (69%) − 0.4 19 (21%) − 0.6 9 (10%) 1.9 90
Hemiplegia 47 (82.5%) 2.3 8 (14%) − 1.9 2 (3.5%) − 1.0 57
Tetraplegia 48 (63%) − 1.7 25 (33%) 2.4 3 (4%) − 1.0 76
Total 157 (71%) 52 (23%) 14 (6%) 223
(E) Relationship between the size of the head—traditional classification (HC) and type of spasticity
Type of spasticity The size of the head—traditional classification (HC) by z-score HC (p = 0.041; Cp = 0.167)
Normal Microcephaly Macrocephaly Total
N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%)
Tetraplegic 48 (63%) − 1.7 25 (33%) 2.4 3 (4%) − 1.0 76
Other: diplegic, hemiplegic 109 (74%) 1.7 27 (18%) − 2.4 11 (8%) 1.0 147
Total 157 (70%) 52 (23%) 14 (7%) 223
(F) The size of the head—dysmorphology classification (HC) and epilepsy
Additional diagnosis epilepsy The size of the head—dysmorphology classification (HC) by z-score HC (p = 0.000; Cp = 0.251)
Normal Microcephaly Macrocephaly Total
N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%)
Present 59 (69%) − 4.3 23 (27%) 4.6 4 (4%) 0.4 86
Absent 214 (89%) 4.3 18 (7%) − 4.6 9 (4%) − 0.4 241
Total 273 (83.5%) 41 (12.5%) 13 (4%) 327
(G) The size of the head—traditional classification (HC) and epilepsy
Additional diagnosis epilepsy The size of the head—traditional classification (HC) by z-score HC (p < 0.001; Cp = 0.245)
Normal Microcephaly Macrocephaly Total
N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%) ASR N (%)
Present 45 (52%) − 3.8 34 (40%) 4.6 7 (8%) − 0.5 86
Absent 179 (74%) 3.8 38 (16%) − 4.6 24 (10%) 0.5 241
Total 224 (68.5%) 72 (22%) 31 (9.5%) 327

N numbers of patients; % percent; p probability value calculated by chi-square test of independence; Cp Pearson’s Contingency Coefficient C, Cp ≥ 0, values distant from 0 reflect some relationship; values approaching 1 correspond to a perfect association; ASR adjusted standardized residuals, values > 1.96 reflect a greater number, and those below < − 1.96 correspond to a smaller number than a random distribution.