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. 2021 Feb 4;57(2):1902442. doi: 10.1183/13993003.02442-2019


Summary of secondary endpoints

Cohort A Cohort B
Lebrikizumab (n=78) Placebo (n=76) p-value Lebrikizumab+pirfenidone (n=174) Placebo+pirfenidone (n=177) p-value
Time-to-event analyses HR (95% CI)
 PFS# 0.65 (0.39–1.09) 0.097 1.01 (0.72–1.42) 0.93
 Time to first ≥10% absolute decline in % predicted FVC or all-cause mortality 0.79 (0.44–1.41) 0.42 0.84 (0.56–1.24) 0.37
 Time to first ≥10% absolute decline in % predicted DLCO or all-cause mortality 0.72 (0.23–2.26) 0.56 0.68 (0.37–1.23) 0.19
 Time to first respiratory hospitalisation NA NA 0.89 (0.52–1.54) 0.68
 Time to first acute IPF exacerbation or death from any cause 1.21 (0.41–3.61) 0.73 0.61 (0.29–1.25) 0.17
 Time to first SGRQ worsening ≥7 or all-cause mortality 0.84 (0.54–1.31) 0.44 NA NA
 Time to all-cause mortality through week 52 1.01 (0.25–4.02) 0.99 0.42 (0.17–1.04) 0.053
Annualised rate of decrease in % predicted DLCO over 52 weeks
 Slope −4.24 −4.78 0.607 −5.57 −5.75 0.780
  Absolute difference 0.54 0.18
  Relative difference % 11.3 3.2
 Decline ≥15% or death n (%) 1 (2) 3 (6) 3 (2.5) 5 (4.5)
  Relative difference % −67.3 −44.9
Annualised rate of decline in 6MWD
 Slope −22.7 −44.6 0.312 −46.9 −25.6 0.203
  Absolute difference 21.9 −21.4
  Relative difference % 49.1 −83.7
Annualised rate of decline in ATAQ-IPF total score over 52 weeks
 Slope 4.78 6.89 0.385 5.45 5.61 0.905
  Absolute difference −2.10 −0.16
  Relative difference % −30.5 −2.9
Proportion of patients with ≥10% decline in % predicted FVC or death from any cause
 Decline ≥10% or death n (%) 9 (16.4) 12 (22.6) 0.89 22 (16.4) 19 (15.8) 0.67
  Relative difference % −27.7 3.7

ATAQ-IPF: A Tool to Assess Quality of Life in IPF; DLCO: diffusing capacity of the lungs for carbon monoxide; FVC: forced vital capacity; HR: hazard ratio; IPF: idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis; PFS: progression-free survival; SGRQ: St. George's Respiratory Questionnaire; 6MWD: 6-min walk distance. #: PFS was defined as time from randomisation to the first occurrence of: death from any cause, non-elective hospitalisation for any cause, relative decline in FVC ≥10%; : log rank.