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. 2021 Jan 21;11:574386. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2020.574386

Table 3.

Real LED equipment parameters and treatment specifications.

PhotoMedex LED lined helmet.
Each cluster head
MedX health LED cluster heads, 1 on each ear.
Each cluster head
Vielight red, 633 nm intranasal LED device Vielight NIR, 810 nm intranasal LED device Thor photomedicine LED lined helmet** Midline clusters turned on, only
Set A
Thor photomedicine
LED lined helmet**
left and right sides turned on, same time
Set B
Cluster head size 4.5 cm ×4.8 cm
(21.6 cm2)
2 inch diameter
(22.48 cm2)
1 cm2 1 cm2 6.3 cm diameter
(28.3 cm2)
6.3 cm diameter
(28.3 cm2)
Number of cluster heads 18 2 Single diode Single diode 5 10
No. of diodes per cluster head 20 52 1 1 69 69
Wavelength, nm 830 870 633 810 34–660; 35–850 34–660; 35–850
Power output, mW per cluster head 626 90 8 14.2 1,265.6 1,075.4
Power density, mW/cm2 29 4 8 14.2 41 35
Pulse frequency, Hz CW CW CW 10 CW CW
Pulse duty cycle, % 50
Total time per session 28 min 10 s* 4 min 25 min 25 min 10 min 42 s 12 min
36 s***
Dose: energy density, J/cm2 26 1 12 10.65 26 26
Joules 1,058 21.6 12 10.65 812.5 813
Total joules per device 19,043 43.2 12 10.65 4,063 8,130

Includes two sequential placement sets with nominal power output per cluster head, 626 mW: First placement set, midline only, 6 cluster heads turned on (14 min, 5 sec); Second placement set, Left and Right sides of head simultaneously, total 12 LED cluster heads turned on (14 min, 5 s). When PhotoMedex helmet, and two LED cluster heads over the ears, and two intranasals were used, Joules per treatment = 19.1 kJ, Total Joules after 15 Treatments = 286.6 kJ.


Used with participants where the head circumference was >24 inches.


Two sequential Placement Sets: Total Time, Set A plus Set B, was 23 min 18 sec. Note, the power output and power density varied slightly, for the different number of cluster heads turned on at the same time, 5 (Set A), or 10 (Set B). When Thor helmet, and two intranasals were used, Joules per Treatment = 12.2 kJ, Total Joules after 15 Treatments = 183.2 kJ.

CW, Continuous Wave.