(A) MCAv was determined continuously by transcranial doppler ultrasound (TCD) and presented as change in MCAv from rest in each protocol for each participant. (B) PETCO2 was determined through breath-by-breath respiratory gas exchange and ventilation. Data were averaged over 30 s of rest (rest); 5 min warm up (warm up); 3 min active recovery (active); and 15 min seated passive recovery (passive) in all protocols. Exercising averages (Ex 1–4) were taken every 7 min during 30 min of moderate intensity (65% VO2peak) steady state exercise (MICT); in the final minute of the four 4 min high intensity (85% HRmax) interval bouts (HIIT) and across the duration of four 30 s supramaximal (200% Wmax) sprint intervals (SIT). Data are presented as mean ± SD (n = 24; except SIT–Passive: n = 23) and were analyzed by linear mixed models. Significant differences (analyzed by linear mixed model, p < 0.05) between resting values and subsequent time points are denoted by *. Significant differences between protocols are denoted by $ between MICT and HIIT; † between MICT and SIT; and Ω between HIIT and SIT.