Fig. 2.
ER stress and inflammatory response in Lpcat3KOMac mice. A: Relative mRNA levels of ER stress markers or inflammatory genes in macrophages from WT and Lpcat3KOMac mice and treated or not with 200 μM free fatty acids (oleate and palmitate) (n = 4 independent mice in each group). B: Relative expression of pro- or anti-inflammatory genes in macrophages from WT and Lpcat3KOMac mice treated or not with 100 ng/ml LPS (n = 4 independent mice in each group) Data are expressed as mean + SEM. (∗P < 0.05 vs. WT Mann-Whitney test by treatment condition). C, D: Plasma concentration of cytokines (C) and total GLP-1 (D) in WT and Lpcat3KOMac mice treated with 1 mg/kg LPS (n = 6 and 5, respectively). Data are expressed mean ± SEM (∗P < 0.05 vs. WT Mann-Whitney test for AUC).