Figure 2.
Dynamics and patterns of relative gene expression levels in ectopic osteogenic implants. Relative gene expression levels in BC (implants containing only BMM carrier), BPUI (implants containing uninduced adipose-derived stem cells) and BPEO (implants containing simultaneously applied endothelial and osteogenic differentiated adipose-derived stem cells) implants extracted at one (1w), two (2w), four (4w) and eight (8w) weeks after implantation (observation points) were presented comparing the expression of the same genes in the calibrator sample (P03-1d cells combined with PRP). A: Von Willebrand factor; B: Early growth response 1; C: Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1; D: Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1; E: Osteopontin. Number of sacrificed mice per experimental period (1w, 2w, 4w, 8w) per group was six, giving six samples per group [n (BC) = 6, n (BPUI) = 6, n (BPEO) = 6] for relative gene expression analysis. For each examined gene expression, results were presented as mean value ± standard deviation. Error bars represent standard deviation. aP < 0.05 BC vs BPUI within the same observation point. bP < 0.05 BC vs BPEO within the same observation point. cP < 0.05 BPUI vs BPEO within the same observation point. Vwf: Von Willebrand factor; Egr1: Early growth response 1; Flt1: Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 1; Vcam1: Vascular cell adhesion molecule 1; Spp1: Osteopontin; BC: Implants containing only bone mineral matrix carrier; BPUI: Implants containing uninduced adipose-derived stem cells, platelet-rich plasma and bone mineral matrix carrier; BPEO: Implants containing simultaneously applied endothelial and osteogenic differentiated adipose-derived stem cells, platelet-rich plasma and bone mineral matrix carrier.