Agilent 6560 DTIM-QTOF modified for native mass spectrometry: (A) Agilent 6560 DTIM-QTOF mass spectrometer was retrofitted with a custom desolvation assembly equipped with one additional high voltage lens (CE), which enables a ΔV of up to 450 volts relative to the fragmentor (F). (B) Source voltages in the modified high energy source. Voltages labeled are ΔV values between the two adjacent lenses. (C) e-MSion electromagnetostatic linear ExD cell was installed before the post-IM collision cell, to enable IM-resolved electron capture dissociation experiments. The instrument is also upgraded for an extended mass range, which allows analysis up to 20,000 m/z. The instrument was operated at the indicated pressures, and pure N2 was used as the IM separation gas. The 78.2 cm drift tube was operated at <18.5 V/cm.